Senin, 18 November 2013

Choose The Best Wedding Ring

Memilih cincin nikah terdengar menyenangkan dan sangat sederhana. Padahal nyatanya tidak demikian. Hal itu meski terkesan mudah, membutuhkan waktu hingga berhari-hari untuk Anda menemukan yang paling tepat. Hal itu wajar karena setiap pasangan mengingingkan cincin yang paling spesial untuk pernikahannya. Yang mampu melambangkan kasing sayang diantara mereka berdua dan mampu menjadi lambang hingga seterusnya.

Sebenarnya jika Anda sudah mengetahui beberapa kunci, hal ini bisa benar-benar mudah. Berikut hal-hal penting yang harus Anda ingat sebelum memutuskan untuk membeli cincin pernikahan, agar nantinya acara spesial itu menjadi benar-benar tak terlupakan dan berkesan manis :

  • Pilih cincin berdua dengan pasangan
Agar modelnya cocok untuk semua. Sesuai dengan kesibukan masing-masing, agar nantinya cincin ini tidak mengganggu. Belajar untuk mulai menerima perbedaan.
  • Ketahui kelebihan dan kekurangan bahan.
Emas bisa diubah menjadi berbagai warna, tidak semahal emas putih, namun warnanya lebih tahan lama.
Emas Putih : Warnanya lebih cepat pudar dan butuh perawatan. Tampak lebih modern dan cocok dipakai oleh berbagai warna kulit, sehingga harganya lebih mahal.
Palladium : Lebih padat dan tahan goresan jika dibandingkan emas, namun tidak lebih tahan lama daripada emas putih. Palladium tidak menimbulkan alergi pada kulit serta lebih murah daripada emas putih.
Titanuim : Tidak mahal dan tahan lama, namun tidak bisa diubah ukurannya dan pembuatannya tidak memerlukan keahlian khusus.
  • Pilih tempat yang terpercaya untuk membeli. 
Pastikan toko tersebut memiliki riwayat yang baik dan menjual perhiasan yang original. Misalkan Anda ingin membeli perhiasan mutiara original, cari keterangan tentang ciri-ciri mutiara yang asli. Agar Anda nantinya tidak tertipu.
Membeli di toko online bisa menjadi ide bagus, tapi untuk keamanan pastikan dari testimoni pembeli sebelumnya, agar Anda semakin mantab untuk membeli.
  • Terakhir adalah memilih hiasan yang cocok. 
Sesuaikan dengan kepribadian Anda dengan pasangan. Misalkan kehidupan Anda dengannya terbiasa glamor dan mewah, cincin berlian sangat tepat untuk Anda. Bahan lainnya yakni ruby, Zamrud, Safir, dan bagi personal yang unik bisa mencoba mutiara lombok. Karena didapatkan asli dari laut dan sering mendapatkan julukan Mutiara Laut Selatan. Silakan pilih menurut selera Anda dan pasangan.
 Sekarang tentukan bersama pasangan, cincin seperti apa yang akan kalian jadikan lambang kasih suci sepanjang masa. Semoga bermanfaat!

Minggu, 17 November 2013

Tips Style Musim Panas

Hampir semua wanita tentu ingin selalu bisa tampil gaya dan memikat para pria. Namun, kadang muncul banyak pendapat yang salah terkait cara berpenampilan bagi kaum hawa sehingga akhirnya menimbulkan banyak kesalahan dalam cara berpakaian. Jika Kamu termasuk salah satu wanita yang ingin tampil modis dan gaya, berikut ini beberapa tips berpakaian selama musim panas.

Pilih Ukuran Pakaian yang Pas
T-shirt dan pakaian berbahan katun memang menjadi pilihan paling populer untuk busana musim panas karena nyaman dipakai. Walaupun nyaman, sebaiknya jangan mengenakan pakaian yang ketat. Pakaian yang ketat akan mengurangi ruangan untuk sirkulasi udara di dalam tubuh sehingga kamu akan lebih mudah berkeringat. Selain itu, hindari mengenakan pakaian yang terlalu longgar karena kamu justru akan terlihat seperti layangan.

Pilih yang Ringan
Jika kamu ingin jalan-jalan ke pantai, pegunungan atau taman, kamu tentu memerlukan pakaian yang dapat membuat kamu tetap merasa sejuk. Pilihlah pakaian yang casual, simple, dan ringan. Polo shirt katun, T-shirt, celana pendek, dan sandal merupakan contoh fashion wajib untuk musim panas. Namun, tentu saja tips ini tidak berlaku jika kamu pergi ke kantor atau ke acara formal. Begitu pula dengan alas kaki. Pakailah sandal yang terbuka dan memberikan sirkulasi penuh agar kakimu tak berkeringat. Hindari alas kaki berwarna hitam dan gelap, karena itu akan "memasak" kakimu. Seperti sandal crocs atau sepatu crocs yang memberikan sirkulasi udara yang cukup untuk kaki. Ringan dan fleksibel dalam penggunaannya.

Pilih Pakaian Berwarna Cerah
Pakaian yang lebih cerah atau terang selain membuat kamu tampil gaya juga dapat merefleksikan pancaran yang ramah pada pemakainnya, khususnya bila dikenakan saat musim panas. Hindari menggunakan pakaian berwarna hitam atau gelap karena pakaian seperti ini akan membuat tubuh lebih banyak mengeluarkan keringat saat terpapar cahaya matahari.

Jika kamu ingin mengisi hari-hari musim panas dengan tampil gaya, tentu tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba anjuran berpakaian di atas. kamu juga bisa memadupadankan pakaian sesuai dengan selera fashion kamu.

Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

Essential Fashion Tips Every Woman Should Know

Fashion is very important to millions of women around the world. Whatever their budget is, they do their best to look fashionable and wear styles which accentuate their natural beauty. This article shares some essential fashion tips that every woman should know. Even if you are an avid follower of fashion, this article may have some tips that will save you some time, or money, and let you create a trendy look for yourself which will turn heads every time!

Be open to news trends and styles. We are not all able to shop and buy new items on a weekly basis, but keeping an eye on trends in magazines or online are a great way to stay up to date with fashion and be aware of what is hot and popular for the season. For example, have a look at the Haute Couture Fall 2013 collection. Take some ideas and inspiration from these beautiful designs and create a similar look with your own clothes and a few new pieces.

There is an art to figuring out which trends will suit you, and which ones are just phases. We all have different body shapes and colouring, so not every fashion trend will suit us. Wearing the latest trend is not always the best way to look stylish. Consider your own age, shape and taste when you are looking at new trends. Often, the classic styles are more effective and timeless than the short lived trends. Putting an outfit together which is styled using timeless shapes in trendy colours, is one way to stay on trend without looking like a cut-out from a fashion magazine!

Build yourself a wardrobe which has some classic pieces that can be mixed with newer more trendy items. For example, every woman needs her staple, little black dress! Then, wearing it with the latest style of coat, shoes and accessories can bring it right up to date. Emulating the catwalk models is not always necessary. You need to develop your own style and signature, in this way you will be unique while you are fashionable too.

Choose the right colours for your skin complexion, and hair. Some people look gorgeous in red whereas for some women, it can make them look pale and ill. You should also make sure your clothes fit perfectly too. Wearing clothes that are either too tight, or too big, will make them look wrong and spoil the effect of your outfit. A simple skirt and blouse that fits you perfectly will always look much better than a hugely expensive couture outfit that you have squeezed yourself into. Remember, fashion is about you. It is about expressing yourself and showing the world how you feel, through style, colour, form and texture.

Choose the right outfit for the right occasion! An outfit that is perfect for a trip to the theatre is not what you should wear on a Saturday afternoon's walk. Dressing appropriately will give you an air of effortless beauty. Being wrongly dressed can often look as though you are trying too hard, or over dressed, which can look odd. For relaxed occasions, team good quality jeans with soft linen tops, a cool t-shirt or a lamb's wool sweater. Carefully choose accessories which will enhance and accentuate your outfit. Or for an evening, choose a well-made cocktail dress, and liven it up with special jewellery.

Attention to detail makes a huge difference, as does comfort. Be true to yourself, wear the right clothes for the right occasion, and enjoy creating your own individual style. You will turn heads and always look fashionable.

Korean Style Still Trend Center 2013

Korean Style Still Trend Center 2013

They will always look for the latest models of clothes so that they will always be known as a person who knows the curent clothing trends.
The fashion experts still see that fashion trends 2013 will still be dominated by Korean-style clothes. Korean cultural influence is still very visible because of the many girl bands and boy bands that emerged in Indonesia.
In addition there are many Korean drama series that also appeared with the clothes her Korean inspired many people here.

Korean-style clothes are not only suitable for use by women only now men also love wearing style Korean Style. If you also want to follow the trend of 2013 you should start thinking about a few things that will make you look trendy Korean style clothing.
First, you can wear a dress or outfit that dominated Korean red, green, pink and white. These colors will appear to be the trend in 2013, Striking colors that you should avoid because they do not conform to the trend of 2013.
Second, look for models like the clothes Korean clothes are more open and there is a tie at the top of the clothes. You also choose a model with a rainbow of color stacked clothes. Nowadays clothes are very popular and will be a trend in 2013.
Third, you can look like a Korean artist if you use the dress. Choose long or mini dress. Type Maxi dress with Korean models will further make you shows up trendy.
Look for a dress that is made from materials that are very smooth as taffeta, chiffon, cotton or other materials. About color should also be considered as soft colors will be the trend next year.
Fourth for those of you who have mini posture should also wear mini dress. By wearing a mini dress you will be seen higher as a mini dress will show your feet. Pair with a shoe that is becoming a trend now.
Fifth, you can use accessories such as bandanas when wearing dress. Bandana even used Korean teen and women there. Before you use your bandana would remain touched to know where would you go first so you can still look good and seem to respect the event that you will go.
Sixth, look at not only the Korean style of clothes you have. You should also look Korea using Korean-style makeup. Korean makeup style is not too flashy. They prefer to use colors that are muted and not too thick.

Selasa, 17 September 2013

Korea as World Trendsetter

Korea become more favored and many talks about it, especially by teenager, because Korea has turn into fashion barometer in many aspects, for example movies, songs, even life-style and fashion style become trend among teenager all over the world today.
The Korean wave, or usually pronounced as Hallyu, is referring to the Korean popular culture since late 1990’s. This term first introduced in Beijing journalists, surprised by China growing appetite for Korean culture. They substitute this into “Hanlu”, which means “Korean stream”. This condition makes Korean culture, interested by many people and they want to learn more about it. Nevertheless, this article will give you a little study about Korea cultures, briefly. Importantly, it will help you to know better about Korea.
Start with Korean traditional house, they called Hanok, they build it based on geomansi, or study about topography and believes about that the environment around us is a form of energy both positive and negative (eum and yang in Korean) that should be balanced. Geomansi influenced building formation, where is headed to, even materials to build it. Traditional Korean clothes are Hanbok, it contains two parts, an upper part is Jeogori, with trousers for man (baji) and skirt (chima). Korean dressed based on their social status, thus get dressed is very important. When they wear Hanbok? in special occasion, like First birthday of first child (doljanchi), wedding, or condolences. Culinary in Korea, influenced by their farming tradition. Main food is rice. Main productions are, rice, wheat and nuts. Korean culinary mostly produced from fermentation for a long time, for example kimchi and doenjang. Fermentation food is very useful, especially in winter to provide enough vitamins and proteins

Everything about Korea nowadays, is a trend, including fashion. Talks about Korea is all about music or fashion, from music there is boyband or girlband, at least is about beauties and handsome of the artists. Korean songs, are become hits on most billboard songs all over the world. Korean fashion has become barometer in the world today, there are so many clothes based on Korean drama or artists, from adult to children. A female fashion trend with baju wanita , has been predicted unchanged from last year with has many colors on it and unique pattern, these could boost wearer performance. It was simple, unique and casual, easy to combine with accessories. These clothes also give cheerful influence, and never out-dated. Especially for sporty, and confidence persons.